segunda-feira, janeiro 17, 2005

"date rape"

A woman was jailed for five years today for using the "date rape" drug Rohypnol to knock out a wealthy banker and a film director and steal thousands of pounds worth of goods from their luxury flats.
Selina Hakki, 37, was jailed at London's Middlesex Guildhall crown court for using the drug to steal property worth £20,000 from her two victims. Police said she was the first woman to be convicted of using the powerful sedative on men and that there may have been "many more victims".

Afinal não são só os homens a aproveitarem-se das mulheres... Eu por mim só gostava de saber quais foram os pretextos para ela se introduzir nos apartamentos de luxo destes homens. Afinal, se os pretextos fossem apenas os óbvios, seria mesmo preciso irem para o apartamento da "vítima"? Podiam-se ter ficado por um hotel de luxo ou um motel barato, consoante os gostos...
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